NDCLytec Medical 2006 Training

(We also offer excellent training over the phone/modem/internet)

NDCLytec now offers "Interactive products Training" which includes a friendly interactive instructor that will guide you step-by-step through the NDCLytec Medical products. The NDCLytec Medical Interactive products Training Suite is organized into four distinct modules: 1) Getting Started, 2) Daily Accounting Activities, 3) Billing and Accounts Receivable and 4) Cash Flow Analysis and Practice Management. Each interactive training module includes audible lessons that are organized into specific courses allowing you to choose those areas of NDCLytec that are of particular interest. This method of organization enables you to easily navigate through the interactive products training modules so that you can learn at your own pace and maximize your NDCLytec computing experience. Click Here For Pricing Information.

1. Getting Started
The "Getting Started" interactive training CD includes lessons on how to install NDCLytec Medical on a single user or multi-user peer-to-peer network. If you are an established NDCLytec user, you will be guided through an overview of NDCLytec's latest products features. In addition, you will learn how to convert your database from prior versions. If you are a new NDCLytec user or if you need further training on how to set up your practice, you will be guided step-by-step on everything ranging from initial database setup and system security to more complex tasks such as how to set up your fee schedules.

2. Daily Accounting Activities
The "Daily Accounting Activities" CD includes several courses on how to use the NDCLytec Medical program on a daily basis. Courses include: Patient Entry, Charge and Payment Entry, Authorization and Referral Tracking, Batch Insurance Payments, Batch Patient Payments, Inventory Control, mail Tax Accounting, Appointment Scheduling and Daily Closing.

3. Billing & Accounts Receivable
The "Billing & Accounts Receivable" CD includes several courses on how to manage your billing and accounts receivable. Courses include: Insurance Billing, Patient Billing, Accounts Receivable Aging Reports and Billing Reports.

4. Cash Flow Analysis & Practice Management
The "Cash Flow Analysis & Practice Management" CD includes several courses on how to analyze your practice management data. Courses include: Financial Analysis, Transaction Analysis, Patient Analysis, Insurance Analysis, Managed Care Analysis, Lists & Labels, and Graphs.



Download  NDCLytec medical billing demo and you can call us for a brief training session to help you evaluate this easy and very affordable products!

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